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2025 Zoom Seminars

December 26, 2024

Come join APS and experience peonies through five virtual presentations throughout the winter months.  All seminars begin at 10:30 a.m. Central Time. This year, the first seminar, may be viewed by anyone interested (member or interested public).  The remaining four seminars are for members only.  Join APS to experience all Seminars.  Zoom links to “Member Only” Seminars may be found HERE (you must login to the Member Portal).



Seminar #1.  Saturday, January 4, 2025.  The Perfect Peony Primer.  Presented by:  Brandie Orchard – APS Director and Recording Secretary.   Open to anyone interested in peonies.  Geared for those who are just getting started with peonies.

Zoom Link: Presentation Completed.



Seminar #2.  Saturday, January 11, 2025.  Growing A Successful Peony Cut Flower Business.  Presented by: Piet Wierstra – Oregon Perennials, APS Director.  Open to members of APS – join to gain access.  This seminar begins at 10:30 a.m. Central Time. 

Piet will discuss the importance of selecting the best location (good soil, sun, and proximity to intended markets) for your business, which peonies are best for cut flowers, the benefits of growing inside high tunnels/hoop houses, appropriate irrigation, pest and disease management, and marketing your products.


Seminar #3. Saturday, February 8, 2025.  Species Peonies and Their Special Needs.  Presented by: Harvey Buchite – Former Owner of Hidden Springs Flower Farm & former APS President.  Open to members of APS – join to gain access. This seminar begins at 10:30 a.m. Central Time. 

We will explore the native habitats of the herbaceous peonies in subsection paeonia. These are some of the most important species to use for early spring color and possible breeding. The presentation will include geography, soils and climate information to provide you with clues for growing these gorgeous peonies successfully.


Seminar #4.  Saturday, March 8, 2025. Woody Peonies and Their Care.  Presented by: Nate Bremer – Solaris Farms, APS Director & immediate past APS President.  Open to members of APS – join to gain access.  This seminar begins at 10:30 a.m. Central Time. 

Nate Bremer has grown, hybridized and propagated woody (tree) peonies for more than 25 years.  Through his many years of work with the woody peony group, much has been learned about growing these plants successfully and their particular needs.

Join Nate for an in-depth look at the major groups of woody peonies.  Included in the presentation will be basic information concerning their cultural & climate requirements, maintenance, siting, planting and specific group differences.  The seminar will feature numerous cultivar flower and plant images which support all aspects of growing and enjoying these beautiful plants.  Whether you are a seasoned grower of these plants or are just getting started with them, there will be valuable information for your consideration.

Seminar #5.  Saturday, April 12, 2025. Alice’s Legacy, Caring for an Historic Garden in Kentucky.  Presented by:  Melissa Sullivan – APS Director.  Open to members of APS – join to gain access.  This seminar begins at 10:30 a.m. Central Time. 

Categorized in: General, Press Releases, Seminars, Website related