Public Seminars and Presentations
Available to all – Get your peony education!

Management of Peony Diseases
Presenter: Dr. Gary Chastagner, Professor of Plant Pathology, Washington State University
Presentation: Beaver Dam High School Auditorium, Saturday, 6/14/2025, 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.
The Pacific Northwest (PNW) has a long history of producing ornamental geophytes, such as daffodil, tulip, lily, and peony planting stock and cut flowers. In addition to a few large legacy farms that specialize in the production of specific geophytes, there has been an increase in the number of smaller specialty cut flower growers that are producing a diversity of cut flower crops, including ornamental geophytes. For the past 46 years, I have had the honor to lead the ornamental disease management research and extension program at Washington State University’s Research and Extension Center in Puyallup, WA. This includes extensive work with peony growers in the PNW and Alaska. Peonies are hardy, long-lived perennials grown commercially and privately for their large, showy flowers. Although relatively easy to grow, there are a number of pathogens that affect peony health. Many of these diseases can be mitigated with the implementation of general cultural management strategies while others require more specific approaches. This seminar will provide an overview of common diseases of peonies, disease management strategies, and recent research relating to the management of Botrytis in the field and during storage.
Supplemental Information: A Grower’s Guide to the Most Common Diseases of Peony in the United States | Tobacco Rattle Virus in Peonies

Peony Choices
Presenter: Cory Tischman – APS Director/Vice President & Jordan Kabat – International Cultivar Registration Authority Registrar for Paeonia
Presentation: Beaver Dam High School Auditorium, Saturday, 6/14/2025, 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Summary to come
Biographical Sketches
Supplemental Information:

Exhibiting Peonies for Competition
Presenter: Kent Tretheway – APS Director/APS Mentorship Chair
Presentation: Beaver Dam High School, Location TBD, Thursday, 6/12/2025, 1:30-2:30
This presentation is for new exhibitors with a review of the Exhibition Rules, an explanation of the Exhibition Schedule, Identifying and classifying Peonies and how to prep your peonies for exhibition.
Supplemental Information: Exhibiting Peonies for Exhibition

Making Your Garden More Pollinator Friendly
Presenter: Patricia Trapp – APS Member/WPS Member and Master Gardener
Presentation: Beaver Dam High School Auditorium, Sunday, 6/15/2025, 2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.
This talk has 2 main topics. It describes different pollinators, their general characteristics and their needs. The second part identifies some native plants which are attractive to pollinators, what to look for in an existing garden, and where to find resources and plants for your area. Pat provides two different strategies to decide which natives to add to your garden and how to make a garden more pollinator friendly.
Supplemental Information:

Unlocking the Possibilities : Success in Germinating and Growing Peonies From Seed
Presenter: Steve Smith – APS Director/Awards Chair
Presentation: Beaver Dam High School Auditorium, Sunday, 6/15/2025, 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.
Join Steve as he guides you through the specialized techniques for germinating peony seeds and cultivating them successfully. While this process demands patience and long-term dedication, the rewards can be exceptional. Steve will also share insights from his eight years of experience in growing peonies from seed, showcasing the results of his efforts and offering valuable tips for achieving optimal growth. Ready to grow some magic? Let’s dive in!
Supplemental Information: Growing Woody Peonies from Seed | Growing Herbaceous Peonies from Seed: Outdoor Method or Indoor Method | Seedling Production

Chop Box: A Floral Design Challenge (contest/activity)
Presenter: Gerianne Holzman – National Garden Clubs’ First Vice President & Editor of The National Gardener magazine.
Presentation: Beaver Dam High School Auditorium or Atrium, Sunday, 6/15/2025, 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Based on the popular TV show “Chopped,” four floral designers, picked from audience volunteers, will simultaneously create a floral design without knowing what materials are in their “basket.” Designers will describe their inspiration, and the audience will pick their favorite design to win the “coveted” Golden Pruner Award.
Supplemental Information: Floral Design Basics

Peony Gardens and Research: Making sense behind the beauty
Presenters: Dr. Lilianna Cortez-Oritz; Dr. David Michener; Dr. Nastassia Vaslava &
Presentation: Beaver Dam High School Auditorium, Sunday, 6/15/2025, 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
Ornamental herbaceous peonies are not only beautiful to the eye, but they are equally engaging to the mind. Since only a few wild species are involved across the centuries of intentional breeding, ornamental peonies are an intriguing system to study how they are related to each other and how those relationships influence characteristics as floral forms, fragrances, bloom time, disease resistances, etc. We present our long-term study strategy based on reference peony gardens: which questions we see as important, and the steps and sequences we are taking to address them. This year alone the University of Michigan W.E. Upjohn Peony Garden will be devoting $50,000 to research expenses. We will present our current work in this larger frame, and welcome additional working partners.
Biographical Sketches: Dr. David Michener | Dr. Nastassia Vlasava | Dr. Liliana Cortez-Oritz
Supplemental Information:

Digging and Dividing Herbaceous Peonies: Demonstration
Presenters: Scott Parker – Past APS President/APS Director/Parker’s Peonies & Perennials Owner
Presentation: Beaver Dam High School Auditorium, Saturday, 6/14/2025, 11:15 a.m. to Noon
Learn when and how to dig and divide herbaceous peonies and intersectional peonies. Scott will provide a demonstration of how herbaceous peonies may be divided successfully to create new plants for your own garden or to share. Other information important to planting and care of division will also be discussed.
Supplemental Information:

Peonies 101: Peony Basics
Presenters: Jill Stevens – APS Director
Presentation: Beaver Dam High School Auditorium, Saturday, 6/14/2025, 10:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Summary TBD
Biographical Sketches
Supplemental Information: