Coeur Ensoleillé
Back to RegistrySeedling # 2. Parentage unknown. First bloomed 2004, first propagated prior 2007. Technically ANEMONE form but petalodes so narrow, and at the base bright greenish yellow, leading to overall appearance of JAPANESE form in which Class it would be shown at exhibition. Average 3 flowers per stem, 5 inches (12 cm) in size. Guard petals purplish pink (RHS 67C). Petalodes nearly the same length as the guards, light greenish yellow at the base (RHS 8C), white in the centre portions, and same as the guards at the ends, with the very tips being again white. Carpels light greenish yellow (RHS 8C), smooth. Stigmas similar in colour, normal anatomy. No stamens, no pollen, but will produce seeds. Though relatively tall at 42 inches, mechanical support not needed. The name derives from the sunny glow emanating from the centre of the flower. Very decorative and dramatic, desirable as a cut flower.