Countess of Warwick
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Countess of Warwick
United Kingdom
Species — P. albiflora. Originated by Kelway. Donated by Farr. DESCRIPTION OF BLOOM — Type of bloom single. Color (total effect) 2 (7) lilac white. Fragrance unpleasant X. Blooming time early. Very large size. DESCRIPTION OF PLANT — Habit of plant erect, medium tall, compact. Growth strong and healthy. Stem medium long, very strong, green to reddish green. Blooming habit medium. Buds borne in clusters. Foliage well furnished, medium to light green, medium size; veins green. COMMERCIAL VALUE — For cut bloom poor; landscape value good. REMARKS — Similar to “Flag of Truce” but heavier stem, slightly taller, coarser foliage, and more open bloom. “The Queen” has a lighter foliage and is slightly more double.