Back to RegistrySpecies — P. albiflora. Originated by Dessert & Mechin. 1886. Donated by Cottage Gardens Company. DESCRIPTION OF BLOOM — Type of bloom anemone. Weak blooms are nearly single, while very strong ones may be semi-double. Form of bloom medium globular, compact. Differentiated. Not entirely transformed. Color (total effect) 4 (180) reddish violet; guards clear; collar same as guards; center clear, tipped yellow. Green carpels, pink stigmas, occasional wide petal appearing in center. Fragrance pleasant X. Blooming time mid-season. Large size. DESCRIPTION OF PLANT — Habit of plant erect, tall, medium compact. Growth strong and healthy. Stem long, strong, reddish green. Blooming habit free. Buds borne in clusters, healthy. Foliage medium furnished, medium green, fine; veins reddish green. COMMERCIAL VALUE — For cut bloom medium; for landscape value medium. Variety as a whole medium.