Peony Registry

George Hollis

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George Hollis

Pure white, large, high, round and full. Received Honorable Mention 1907. Only four plants. $25.00. (Catalogue of 1907.) Cornell Bulletin 306, p. 141. Symposium 1919; one vote, 6. “Very late, large, good.” (Homer Reed.) Sold by: 10, 14, 16, 22, 49. Grown by: 18, 20, 23, 28, 32, 35, 38, 42, 44, 46, 47. Mr. A. L. Kelly writes calling attention to a discrepancy between Hollis’ description and that of the Cornell Bulletin. The Bulletin gives “color (total effect) pale rose pink; guards lilac white flecked with crimson; collar same as guards; centre pale rose pink.” Mr. Kelly writes further, “I understand that the variety that Hollis sent to Van Wert under this name is white, and agrees with his description.” Mr. Homer Reed notes “Cornell Bulletin description seems correct,” but does not give the color. It is possible that the Cornell description was made from a flower that had not been exposed to sunlight, and that the blooms soon fade to white. It would be worth while to have further information on this.

Reference: 1920-B010:23