Peony Registry

Heart of My Heart

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Heart of My Heart
Paul and Esther Simmons
Herbaceous Hybrid
New Zealand

Seedling number TP2 54-2. Parentage: ‘Old Faithful’ x Simmons #32-142 (‘The Mackinac Grand x “m.s.b”). First bloomed 2015, first propagated 2017. Late season blooming DOUBLE flowers are a dark cardinal red, 15-20 cm (6-8”) in diameter, upward facing, and average one per stem. Guard petals are rounded, slightly ruffled, and are typically 8-9 cm (3-3.5”) in width. No fragrance. Four small, moderately hairy carpels are light-green in color. Stigmas are plum pink, and of normal anatomy. Stamens are less than 1.25 cm (0.5”) in length, with red filaments that transition to yellow at the tips. Produces pollen, and seeds only occasionally. Disk is obscure. Leaflets are broad-pointed, and green in color. Plants reach 80 cm (31.5”) at maturity. Growth habit is spreading, and does benefit from mechanical support. Healthy, vigorous, and attractive sealed flower buds contribute to the variety’s potential as a cut flower, chiefly alongside its lasting capabilities in a vase.

Reference: 2024-DIR:XX