Peony Registry

Isani Gidui

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Isani Gidui
Japanese origin.
Before 192

Japanese type; very large; midseason. Two rows of very broad, rounded, smooth guard petals of pure white; center a rounded mass of thin staminodes of rich buff-yellow; carpels green, tipped pale yellow; fragrance not good. Moderately tall; vigorous; floriferous, with slightly bending stems and crinkled foliage. Considered the most beautiful white Japanese peony. The flowers are extremely large and almost perfectly shaped. According to information received from Japan by Mr. Franklin B. Mead, of Ft. Wayne, Indiana., the correct name of this peony is Isami Jishi, which means Smiling Lion. The present name is so well established, unfortunately, that it seems undesirable to attempt to correct it. “A careful study of this variety and TORA-NO-MAKI revealed no difference whatever.”—Fewkes. “Two rows of guard petals (?).”—Little.

Reference: 1928-B-d:103