Marie Talbot
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Marie Talbot
Herbaceous Hybrid
Canada, QC
Seedling E-06-11. Parentage: ‘Chiffon Cloud’ x ‘Burma Ruby’. First bloomed 2010. JAPANESE type flower form. One bud per stem. Flowers are an unusual deep purplish red and 7 inches (18 cm) in size. Two rows of rounded petals (normally 8), frequently notched and gently ruffled, which hold their colour well. Pale green carpels turn red as the flower ages. Stigmas are red. Staminodes are long (1 ½ inches (3 cm)) and tend to curl at mid length. In colour they are the same as the guard petals but are edged in yellow. Blooms late season. Flowers have a sweet and spicy fragrance. Seed fertile. Glossy green foliage and narrow upright growth habit. Height at maturity 38 inches (1 metre). Named to honour a friend (deceased).