Roger’s Delight
Back to RegistryReceived: December 22, 2019. Seedling No. RAHS 40. First year bloomed 2015, first year propagated 2016. Parentage not given. Early/Midseason bloom. SEMI-DOUBLE to DOUBLE, size 4½ inches (11½ cm), subtle fragrance. Three blooms per stem, side buds may be less well developed. Color coral pink, fading to light pink with petal edges frosted pale lavender white. About three rows of rounded guard petals, inner petals grading smaller as they progress towards the center and becoming folded, giving a ruffled appearance. Carpels generally absent in primary flower but can be found in the side buds. When present they may set seeds. Pollen-bearing stamens in the primary flower but more profuse in the side buds. Filaments pink at the base, yellow towards the tips. Staminodal disc obscure. Early foliage emerges green, broad pointed at maturity. Early foliage emerges burgundy to green, green at maturity. Upright growth habit, height 24 inches (61 cm), support not needed.