officinalis plena ‘Rubra’
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officinalis plena ‘Rubra’
Origin unknown
Herbaceous Hybrid
Species: P. officinalis. History: Origin very ancient, doubtful. DESCRIPTION IN BRIEF: Bomb, amarante red, very early, good. DESCRIPTION IN DETAIL: Bomb type, the typical old double red of our grandmothers’ gardens. They usually have carpels which are woolly, but well concealed, foliaceous bracts directly under the flower, no stamens or anthers. Color amarante red 4(168), even throughout. Size medium to large. Odor neutral to unpleasant. Foliage glabrous above, pilose beneath, margins entire and green — typical officinalis foliage.
Note: often listed as ‘Rubra’ or ‘Rubra Plena’. Likely an ancient hybrid.