Peony Gardens

APS Peony Reference Gardens

Enjoyment, Education and Research

Please contact gardens prior to making a visit.  Some gardens may have specific times and dates in which they are open.

Ashland, The Henry Clay Estate

Featuring Alice McIlvain’s Saunders peony collection.

120 Sycamore Road, Lexington, KY  40502

Email: [email protected]


Dubuque Arboretum & Botanical Garden

Featuring a general collection of 80+ peonies.  Mid to late May is the best time for visitors to the Dubuque (IA) Arboretum & Botanical Gardens
to view the peony gardens, a collection of 69 named cultivars, all Paeonia lactiflora, arranged in
five rectangular beds and accessible via a brick pathway.

Near the peony gardens is a row of intersectional peonies, while tree peony cultivars (Paeonia
suffruticosa) are displayed in the Japanese Garden. Assorted peonies also appear in several of
the perennial gardens.

The arboretum and botanical gardens are open to the public 7 days per week, year-round, at
no charge.

3800 Arboretum Drive, Dubuque, IA 52001


Email:  [email protected]


Grant Garden, Hamilton College Arboretum

Featuring 100+ Saunders peonies.  Both woody & herbaceous.

198 College Hill Road, Clinton, NY 13323

Email:  [email protected]


Hoard Historical Museum - Roger F. & Sandra L. Anderson Intersectional Peony Garden

Featuring the Intersectional peony hybridizing work of Roger F. Anderson.  Brochure HERE

401 Whitewater Avenue, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

Email:  [email protected]


Linwood Gardens

Featuring the works of William Gratwick, Nassos Daphnis and A.P. Saunders. 600+ woody peonies.

1912 York Road West, Linwood, NY 14486

Email:  [email protected]


Old Prairie Town/Ward-Meade Park

Featuring the herbaceous peony hybridizing work of Myron Bigger.

124 NW Filmore, Topeka, KS 66066


W.E. Upjohn Peony Garden, Matthaei Botanical Gardens, University of Michigan

Featuring a historic display of Lactiflora Group peonies.

1800 North Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Email: [email protected]


Wisconsin Heritage Peony Garden

Featuring the works of Wisconsin peony hybridizers, Award of Landscape Merit Peonies and Gold Medal Peonies.

127 S. Spring Street, Beaver Dam, WI 53916

Email: [email protected]