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794 Search Results for "Delta Airlines 1800-299-7264 Customer Support Number"


(Dessert, 1908) 7.7 Single. Medium size, blush pink, midseason. Carpels inconspicuously hairy, with bright red tips; disk inconspicuous, pink. Plant medium size, compact. A pink variety with smooth, pink-tipped carpels...

Major Loder

(Kelway) Japanese type flower form. Large, Tyrian pink, early. Staminodes oblanceolate, yellowish, no pollen. Carpels smooth, tips white; disk distinct, white. Plant medium size, spreading.


Double type; large; midseason. Light flesh-pink, becoming flesh-white on opening, showing a rose-like center with golden yellow stamens; rich rose-like fragrance. Medium height; only fairly floriferous; strong stems. Good foliage....


Double type; very large; midseason. Long, narrow petals, symmetrically arranged about a star-like center, white with a greenish tinge, and occasional pinkish flush on outer petals; not notably fragrant. Tall;...