About SDP

The American Peony Society Seed Distribution Program

Sharing a Wealth of Genetics from Gardeners, Growers and Hybridizers Worldwide


Peony Seeds

The American Peony Society’s Seed Distribution Program gives APS members a chance to share the genetics of potentially thousands of peony cultivars, including many hybrids and species. For a small fee, seed packets are available to members. The program also provides free seeds to organizations and institutions for educational or research purposes.

Donated seed comes from APS members, both backyard hobbyists and collectors, as well as professional growers and hybridizers. Most are packets of open pollinated seeds with the name of seed or pod parent listed, except for some packets of mixed seed. In some instances, they are labeled with a specific cross or as hybrid seeds from specific hybridizers.

Seed packets are available to APS Members at the National Convention, and are offered online each year through July 31, while supply lasts.

Seedlings Grown From APS Seed

Individually Unique and Wonderful

P. lactiflora Seedling Grown From APS Seed

Herbaceous Hybrid Seedling Grown From APS Seed

P. suffruticosa Seedling Grown From APS Seed

Herbaceous Hybrid Seedling Grown From APS Seed

Additional Resources

Interested in purchasing and growing peony seeds? Explore the possibilities...

Peony Seed Fact

The most common reason peony seeds fail to grow is that they are not planted!