The Benefits of APS Membership
It’s Not Just a “Membership”; It’s a Year Round Peony Experience!
Luscious peonies. Amazing people. Great events, publications and resources! The perks of your membership in the American Peony Society just keeps on giving. Plus, you’ll support the education and continued curation of one of the world’s most captivating flowers. Please see Terms for further information
Welcome to the American Peony Society: a worldwide family of passionate peony enthusiasts, including gardeners, collectors, hybridizers, educators, scientists, floral designers, botanical gardens, public gardens and commercial growers.

Never dig peonies in spring or summer. This joker had many wide eyes on him!
If you love peonies, this is the place to let your passion blossom.
Grow, Connect, Learn, Share
- The American Peony Society Bulletin
- Access to the Annual Directory of New Cultivars through the Member Portal
- Members-Only Plant Auctions & Peony Seed Purchase Programs
- Share and Learn with Our Vibrant Social Media Community
- The APS Annual National Convention with Garden Tours, Seminars, Speakers and More!
- Exciting Annual Peony Exhibition and Awards
- 24-7 Access to Our Members-Only Online Portal (Packed with Peony Content, Surveys, Announcements and All Things Peonies)
Explore the Benefits of Joining or Renewing
11 Pathways to Enjoy the Peony

#1...The APS Bulletin, Print Reading Options and Available Online (Quarterly)
Get the only magazine devoted exclusively to peonies and peony culture. Bulletin issues feature informative articles and beautiful photography for beginners and experienced growers alike. The Bulletin also serves as the source for member announcements and society news. *Stock supplies of recent Bulletins are limited, thus previously published Bulletins are not unavailable for the current year for new memberships after February.
Bulletin Online Option Information

#2...The Annual Peony Convention
Meet and mingle with peony enthusiasts from all over the world. The APS Convention is held in various North American locations, and features peony-related talks, seminars and discussions; garden tours; cut flower exhibits; shopping opportunities; social hours, and a banquet.
Annual Convention

#3...National Peony Flower Show and Exhibition
Enter your peonies or just come and enjoy a blooming amazing annual Flower Show. The show features blooms from growers and gardeners from around the country, as well as our new division featuring gorgeous peony photographs.
Exhibiting Flowers

#4...FREE Access to Member Portal
For APS members! An additional website options featuring announcements, articles, programs, surveys, The Bulletin online, Directory of New Cultivars and a wide variety of information for the peony enthusiast. The Portal is continually updated as new information comes available.

#5...APS Mentoring Program
Get Growing with our new program that matches beginning peony enthusiasts with more experienced peony members to learn about propagation, dividing, even grafting or hybridizing! Learn, share and develop a connection to the peony world.
Mentorship Program

#6...Online and Live Peony Auctions
Score “Drool-worthy” Peonies…Our most popular and exciting fundraiser! Only APS Members can bid on our amazing peony cultivars you won’t find anywhere else! It’s a fun and exciting way to get your hands on rare, new or popular peonies. Available to United States shipping addresses only.
Please visit the Member Portal for further information.

#7...APS Seed Distribution Program
Discover the fun of growing peonies from seed! Each year, we publish a list of available peony seeds collected from popular, rare, and unusual cultivars. For a nominal fee, you can request seeds of your choice, supported with how-to information to get you started. APS can only ship to United States and Canadian destinations.
Seed Program

#8...Directory of New Cultivars
With “Directory of New Cultivars”, you ‘ll be the first to see the newest registered peony species and hybrids, with colorful photos, and complete descriptions.
Available through the Member Portal as an *Online Reader for all members and in printed form (if available).
*You must be a member to login to the Member Portal and view Directories. Past Directories and registration checklists may be purchased as .pdf files for download through the APS Bookstore.

#9...Support Peony Cultivar Registration
The APS is the International Cultivar Registration Authority (ICRA) for peonies. The APS supervises peony nomenclature and critical publishing data, and provides critical information transmission to a worldwide network of peony growers and enthusiasts. Your membership helps us maintain standards and curate the history and development of the peony.
Peony Registry

#10...Best in Class Sources for Peony Materials
APS Commercial Members offer a trusted resource for peony plants, cut flowers and gardening supplies. You’ll find everything from small local growers happy to provide beautiful cut flowers for local weddings and events, growers of rare and hard-to find peonies, and the newest registrations from the world’s leading growers and hybridizers.
APS Member Vendors

#11...Web Listing and Advertising options for Commercial Members
Advertising is open to all commercial members who have businesses related to peonies. Advertisers reach a highly targeted audience of peony and gardening enthusiasts, while supporting the programming and outreach of the APS. Commercial member businesses which involve peony sales and/or related items are eligible to have a free listing and link on the APS website. Further information about advertising in the Bulletin can be found: Advertise in the Bulletin.
- Commercial Members, please see Commercial Vendors Page. This page contains announcements, information and important agreements applicable to certain business types.