
Making A Donation To The American Peony Society

Giving a Gift To The World of Peonies


The American Peony Society has numerous peony related initiatives that need your support.  Scientific studies, new cultivar registration,website initiatives, The Bulletin, educational opportunities, conventions, flower exhibitions and the seed program are all funded through the generous giving of our members.  Sometimes giving is through membership, but the many needs of our non-profit cannot function on these alone.

The American Peony Society’s mission is to provide peony education, not only to its members, but to all that are interested.  Through generous donations, you help bring people and peonies together in numerous ways.  Please consider helping  to further ALL THAT IS PEONIES with a donation.

Donate $
(anyone may donate USD to APS)

Donate Plants for Auction
(you must be a member and login to the Member Portal)

Donate Seeds
(you must be a member and login to the Member Portal)