
Great Programming From Committees

Volunteer Members Make the APS World Go Round


APS committees perform the inner workings of the societies’ activities and are manned by volunteer members.  All committees support our mission and are integral to a successful APS.  Positions are open to our traditional members as well as our commercial members.   Many new initiatives are brought forth each year through committee work and the APS is continuously searching to broaden its reach-to members and the public.



Plans and executes the online and convention auctions.
Co-Chairs – Lois Girton & Jill Stevens
Nick Maycher
Leena Liljestrand
Mary Muellner


Award Of Landscape Merit

Oversees the ALM program (finalizes all peonies selected for ALM)
Co-Chairs – Cory Tischman & Jill Stevens

Awards Committee

Selection of candidates for personal awards.
Chair – Steve Smith
Craig Aiken
Brandie Orchard

Books & Publications

Chair – Mike Miller

Bulletins and Publications

Kimberly Bremer-Editor, Contributor
Sharon Schmitz – Advertising Specialist
Lois Girton & Jill Stevens -Proofing, Contributors, Support
Jerri O’Connor – Peony Society News
Lois Girton – Science Editor
Liz Best & Linette Sorrentino – Membership

Commercial Members

Chair– Piet Wierstra

Convention Steering and Planning

Convention Steering and Planning Chair – open
Convention Chairs
2023 – Craig Aiken (New York)
2024 – Linette Sorrentino (Minnesota)
2025 – Michelle Ovans (Beaver Dam, Wisconsin)

Convention Exhibition (Flower Show)

Co-Chairs –David and Linette Sorrentino
Kent Tretheway

International Outreach

Chair – Cory Tischman
Leena Liljestrand


Chair and Registrar – Jordan Kabat
Nate Bremer

Seed Distribution Program

Chair – Scott Parker
Nate Bremer


Chair –Kent Tretheway
[email protected]


Chair –David Michener
Chase Krug
Lois Girton

Website / Social Media

Nate Bremer/David Sorrentino/Nick Maycher – Website
Craig Aiken – Facebook
Brandie Orchard – Instagram
Steve Smith – Pinterest
Lynn Gessling, Craig Aiken, Liz Best – Facebook Group