Joyful Dancing
Back to RegistrySeedling No. UHS 18. First year bloomed 2015, first year propagated 2016. Parentage not given. Midseason bloom. NOVELTY. Does not properly fit any of the standard flower forms. One bloom per stem, size 4½-5 inches (11-13 cm). Pink. Petals irregular, may be pointed, edges shallowly notched, frilled, relatively narrow at 1-1¼ inches (2-3 cm) wide. Watermelon-red flares extend 20-30% of petals’ length. Tips of petals fade to ivory. Carpels generally 2, cream colored, very hairy. Stigmas pink with normal anatomy, fertile. Pollen-bearing stamens in the center with petalodes interspersed. Filaments yellow, petalodes with same coloration as petals. Staminodal disc obscure. Fragrance. Early foliage emerges burgundy to green. Upright growth habit, height 26-28 inches (66-71 cm), support not needed.