Kelway’s Glorious
Back to RegistryDouble type; very large; midseason. White with a creamy suffusion in depths, crimson streaks on outside of guard petals, and occasionally few faint crimson edges in center; strong, rose-like fragrance. Medium height; free-flowering; strong stems. Good dark green foliage with green veins. Immense, shaggy, rather flat flowers with a deep, funnel-like center and enormous wide-spreading petals. Requires time to do its best, but is generally considered one of the finest varieties. Several experts corroborate the statement that this variety frequently has crimson markings. “Very rarely KELWAY’S GLORIOUS will have red markings on the center petals, a circumstance which is liable to appear in any double flower whose stigmas would have been red if the flower had been a single one. The red marking or red edge to some of the center petals of peony flowers is caused by imperfect transformation of the stigmas into petals, a vestige of the latter remaining and producing the color which appears on the edge of some of the center petals.”—Fewkes. “Outer circles of petals very wide, growing smaller toward center; center petals small and crowded.”—Saunders.