Amazing Pastel
Back to RegistrySeedling number 9-39C. Parentage: Seedling #SG16 x ‘Pastelegance’. First bloomed 2019, first propagated 2019. Midseason blooming SEMI-DOUBLE to DOUBLE flowers are a pale yellow, fading to ivory, 12.7cm (5″) in diameter, upward facing, and average one per stem with an occasional sidebud. Blush undertones are present on fresh blooms that fade as the flower matures. Guard petals are cupped, rounded, ruffled, notched, and are typically 5cm (2″) in width. Fragrance noted. Carpels are nearly always underdeveloped or fully transformed into petallage. Stamens are between 1.25-2cm (0.5-0.75″) long, with yellow filaments. Staminodes are also present, identical in color to the outer petallage, and oblanceolate or spatulate in structure. Produces pollen, though seed fertility has not been noted. Disc is obscure. Plants reach 76cm (30″) at maturity, and carry broad-pointed, green foliage. Growth habit is upright, and mechanical support is unnecessary.