Peony Registry

Angela Early

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Angela Early
Herbaceous Hybrid
New Zealand

[Herbaceous Hybrid] — Paul Simmons, Christchurch, New Zealand — Seedling number 28-108. Parentage: Seedling 116 x ‘Greenland’. First bloomed 2008, first propagated 2011. Midseason blooming DOUBLE pure arctic-white flowers with rounded and very slightly notched guard petals that average 7.5cm (2.9”) in diameter. Flowers are 16cm (6.3”) in diameter, upward facing, and average two per stem. Fragrance noted. Three sparsely hairy, green carpels with cerise-red stigmas are present. Has pollen, and produces seeds. Stamens are more than 2cm (0.75”) long, with very slightly red filaments that transition to white at the tips. Staminodal disk is green. Plants reach 65cm (25.5”) at maturity, and carry broadly pointed, green foliage. Growth habit is upright, healthy, and does not require mechanical support. This variety was bred in an effort to achieve an earlier flowering, white cut-flower. It is noted to be earlier than any other white double herbaceous hybrid cultivars that the hybridizer has witnessed. The plant possesses smooth, sealed white buds that open beautifully to a full double. In the New Zealand climate at Christchurch, there is no hint of pink in flower coloration at any stage as is common in many white herbaceous peonies. Named for the hybridizer’s grand niece. R020122
