Back to RegistrySpecies — P. albiflora. Originated by Hollis, 1905. Donated by Hollis. DESCRIPTION OF BLOOM — Type of bloom semi-double. Form of bloom very flat, medium compact. Not differentiated. Not entirely transformed Color (total effect), guards dark crimson 4 (168); guards streaked with white; collar same color as guards; center same as guards, clear; secondary staminodes absent. Fragrance unpleasant X. Blooming time mid-season. Small size. DESCRIPTION OF PLANT — Habit of plant medium erect, medium to dwarf in height, compact. Growth medium strong, diseased. Stem medium to short in length, medium strong, red. Blooming habit shy. Buds have laterals undeveloped, blight. Foliage well furnished, dark green, fine; veins red. COMMERCIAL VALUE — For cut bloom poor; landscape value poor. Variety as a whole worthless.