Back to RegistrySeedling No. NB13. Parentage: ‘Sedona’ x “Loyola” (Loyola is an unregistered Bernard Chow hybrid). Advanced generation lutea hybrid. SEMI-DOUBLE to DOUBLE flowers, 7 inches (18 cm) in size, 1-2 two buds per stem, though sometimes 3. Petals have a cream base, overlaid with old rose. The overall color fades to cream with pink highlights as flowers age. Maroon flares extend about 20% of petal length. The flower consists of 20-28 petals, highly ruffled, precisely notched, and creped. Average of 3 carpels, green flushed red, sparsely hairy, with light pink functional stigmas. Maroon sheath is fully developed. Pollen-bearing stamens with red filaments. Fertile both ways but better success as a pollen parent. Abundant flowers are displayed out-facing and are well-carried on 34 inch (86 cm) stems, as the plant grows in Wisconsin. Deep green foliage with midrib of petioles edged red. Produces shoots from the ground, stems are red at emergence. Named after a constellation, the name Aquila being Latin for eagle.