Back to RegistryReceived December 15, 2020. Seedling number: NB-H78. Parentage: ‘Old Faithful’ x ‘Pastelorama’. First bloomed 2015, first propagated 2016. Early/Midseason bloom period. Coral-pink SEMI-DOUBLE ,1 bloom per stem, Size 7 inches (18 cm). Bases of each petal are lighter in color but often not noticeably so. The backs of the petals have cream feather patterning which is generally obscured beyond the tight bud stage. Petals generally rounded, ruffled, may be lightly frilled. Pollen-bearing stamens embedded among petals at center Filaments light yellow, often widened and merging into the anthers. Some years when flowers are less developed this may give the illusion of having Japanese form though pollen remains profuse. Average of 4 carpels, pale green, sparsely hairy. Stigmas bright coral-pink, normal anatomy. Fertile. Staminodal disc cream-colored, generally obscure. No fragrance. Early foliage emerges red, matures blue-green, broad-pointed. Upright growth to 32 inches (81 cm). Strong self-supporting stems are clothed nearly to the ground with broad, deep green foliage. Excellent bud covers protect against adverse wet spring conditions. Has proven useful as a cut flower and for floral design work. Awarded a Certificate of Merit and subsequently placed on the Court of Honor as the Best Seedling in the APS 2016 Exhibition. Named with Max Ehrmann’s poem in mind. Desiderata translates from Latin as “Things Desired”.