Edulis Alba
Back to RegistrySpecies — P. albiflora. Origin unknown, 1835. Donated by Cottage Gardens Company. DESCRIPTION OF BLOOM — Type of bloom bomb. Form of bloom tall, loose, slight crown. Differentiated. Entirely transformed. Color (total effect) lilac white; guards clear; center cream white, fades to milk white, flecked with crimson. Some blooms have low crown, same color as guards. Fragrance pleasant XX. Blooming time very early. Size medium to large. DESCRIPTION OF PLANT — Habit of plant drooping, medium tall, medium compact. Growth strong and healthy. Stem long, medium strong, reddish green. Blooming habit free. Buds borne in clusters, healthy. Foliage well furnished, dark green, coarse; veins reddish green. COMMERCIAL VALUE — For cut bloom good; landscape value medium. Variety as a whole medium to good.