Peony Registry

Jiang Nan Chun Yu

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Jiang Nan Chun Yu
Zhu Wei et al.

Parentage: ‘Zi Feng Yu’, open pollinated. First bloomed 2020, first propagated 2021. Midseason blooming DOUBLE flowers are dark reddish-purple, are 12cm (4.7″) in diameter, downward facing, and average one per stem. Highly fragrant. Guard petals are flat and notched, and average 4.2cm (1.6″) in width. Possesses four to six sparsely hairy, purple carpels with purple stigmas of normal anatomy. Stamens are more than 2cm (0.75″) long, with red filaments fading to yellow at the tips and anthers. Staminodes are present, spatulate in shape, and are reddish-purple in color. Fertile both ways. Plants reach 98cm (38.5″) at maturity, and carry broadly cut, green foliage. Foliage color at time of emergence is green. Growth habit is spreading, and does benefit greatly from mechanical support. Named for Jiang Nan, the region south of the Yangtze River where the cultivar has been grown with much success, along with the phrase ‘chun yu’, meaning the flowers tell people about its blooming with a strong fragrance rather than words.

Reference: 2023-DIR:XX