Madame Jules Dessert
Back to RegistryDouble type; very large; late midseason. Long, smooth petals of flesh-white, graduated symmetrically about a hollow, funnel-like center, with a few stamens in its depths, which reflect a yellow glow through its translucent texture; mildly fragrant. Tall; splendid habit; very floriferous; stems occasionally floppy. Good foliage. A very popular and highly regarded sort. Occasionally the guard petals are greenish near the base and sometimes are distinctly marked with green. The center is usually a trifle pinker than the rest of the flower, and always bears a few inconspicuous crimson marks. “Strong stems and perfect habit of growth.”—Little. “I should rank this among the best dozen.”—Saunders. “Thoroughly reliable and one of the very best. A beautiful flower and fine plant.”—Boyd.