Peony Registry

Nong Yuan Xia Yue

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Nong Yuan Xia Yue
Xiuxin Zhang, Jingqi Xue, Shunli Wang, Xiuxia Ren, Yuqian Xue
Lutea Hybrid

Parentage: Paeonia lutea x ‘Chojuraku’ (Suffruticosa Group). First bloomed 2014, first propagated 2014. SINGLE. One flower per stem. Flowers 4 inches (10 cm) in size. Three rows of pale creamy-yellow guard petals (RHS:19D) are notched and somewhat ruffled, but thick and of good substance. A distinct center of pollen-bearing stamens, though stamens relatively few in number. Purplish-red flares (RHS:145B) extend about a quarter the petals’ length, with a blurred and somewhat bleeding edge. Average of 7 carpels, yellow-green (RHS:145B) and sparsely hairy. Stigmas are yellow (RHS:11D) with normal anatomy. Pollen-bearing stamens; filaments red at the base, yellow-orange at the tips. Sheath partial, made up of strap-like segments, white. No fertility observed. Midseason Late bloom season. Flowers fragrant. Upright growth habit, height to 26 inches (65 cm). Narrow pointed foliage is dark green, mature leaves pinnately compound. Good drought and cold resistance when established.

Reference: 2019-DIR:48