Peony Registry

Northwind Maiden

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Northwind Maiden
Seidl / Bremer
Herbaceous Hybrid

Received December 15, 2020. Seedling number: Seidl #H-1. Parentage lost but thought to be similar to ‘Manitowoc Maiden’. First bloomed mid 1970’s, first propagated 2007 (having been located along Bill Seidl’s back lot line until finally divided and moved to Solaris Farms). Has been widely distributed in Europe under number. Early/Midseason bloom. Pink DOUBLE, 1 bloom per stem, size 6 inches (15 cm). Two or 3 rows of rounded guard petals, the inner petals smaller, becoming somewhat folded, notched, and frilled. Irregular fading with age provides progression of visual interest. Pollen-bearing stamens embedded among petals at center, their filaments yellow. On average, 3-4 carpels, smooth, pale green with deep red stigmas. Fertile. Staminodal disc creamy-green, though largely obscure. No fragrance. Prominent bud covers prevent damage during early season wet conditions. Early foliage emerges red. Mature foliage blue-green, broad-pointed. Upright growth to 34 inches (86 cm), mechanical support not needed. Named for its presumed relationship to ‘Manitowoc Maiden’ and for the winds coming off Lake Michigan in the locale in which it originated.

Reference: 2021-DIR:27