Peony Registry

OSIRIS Mariette Pelland

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OSIRIS Mariette Pelland
Serge Fafard
Canada, QC

Received January 25, 2021. Parentage: Unnamed Osiris seedling x ‘Gay Paree’. First year bloomed 2010, first propagated 2013. Very Late bloom period. DOUBLE flower form when fully open, usually only 1 flower per stem, size 5 inches (13 cm). Overall color pink with central band of darker pink generally running the length of the petals, but variably so, fading paler to varying degrees away from that central band. Petals variably and unevenly notched, somewhat twisted, grading smaller towards the center. Pale green in bud, the bud resembling the flower of a hop plant (Humulus lupulus). As the flower develops, about 4 rows of green petals open before revealing the pink. Green petals remain shorter than the pink and are mostly obscured when flower is fully open and viewed directly from above. Carpels and stamens absent. Fragrant. Foliage burgundy on emergence from ground, deep green maturity, becoming purple in the fall. Upright spreading growth to 34 inches (85 cm), self-supporting. Named for the originator’s mother, Mariette Pelland (1929-2016).

Reference: 2021-DIR:13