Qín yù
Back to RegistryParentage: Pod parent a Rockii hybrid of unknown origin, pollen parent unknown. First bloomed 1999. First propagated 2004. Flower form SINGLE, up-facing, 1 bloom per stem, size 5 inches in diameter (13 cm). White petals are rounded, ruffled, lightly frilled and notched. Dark purple flares extend 25-50% of the petals’ length. Fragrance. Carpels 5 in number, pale green, sparsely hairy. Stigmas light yellow, normal. Has stamens and pollen, and is a prolific seed producer, nearly ¾ lb. per plant (330 g) with a high germination rate. A creamy white, partial sheath encloses the carpels, which are also creamy white. Early bloom season. Plant height to 53 inches (135 cm). Named for its white petals and its place of origin (Qin is the abbreviation of Shannxi province).