Back to RegistryReceived June 11, 2021. Seedling number 16-124-1. Parentage: ‘Mary Pratte’ open pollinated (Seed acquired from CPS, pollen parent unknown). First year bloomed 2019. First propagated 2019. Early season bloom period. Pale creamy-yellow SEMI-DOUBLE (color similar to ‘Early Canary’), 1 bloom per stem, size 6 1/4-7 inches (16-18 cm). Fragrant. Guard petals rounded; edges may be lightly crenulated, cup-shaped. Inner petals somewhat ruffled. Pollen-bearing stamens, filaments yellow. Three to 4 carpels, pale yellowish-green, very hairy. Stigmas pink with normal anatomy. Fertile both ways. Staminodal disc well-developed, greenish-yellow in color. Broad-pointed foliage emerges green, matures dark green. Upright growth to 28 inches (70 cm). The pale creamy-yellow with the rounded shape of a full moon suggested the name. May be marketed under trade name MID-AUTUMN MOON.