Peony Basics
Plant and Grow Perfectly Beautiful Peonies
New to growing peonies? Knowing where to start can be overwhelming. But there’s no reason to avoid this wonderful and easy-to-grow garden plant. Unfortunately, peonies do not supply instant gratification, so don’t dawdle. The three-year “sleep, creep, leap” analogy is particularly appropriate for the peony. Yet once they are established, a peony will reward you for years to come! Peony plants can live for more than 100 years, given basic care and a good planting site.
See the American Peony Society’s Awards pages or American Peony Society Vendors for specific information about plants that may be available in commerce. These resources can be helpful in narrowing down what kinds of plants a gardener may prefer for a range of needs.
No matter the kind of peony (herbaceous, woody, Itoh or species), all have a number of shared cultural and planting requirements. See other tabs (above) and resources (below) for further information.