Recognizing Contributors to the American Peony Society
Honoring Members That Gave Freely of Their Time, Talents and Good Will

Linette Sorrentino Receiving the ‘Bertrand H. Farr’ Award Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019.

A.P. Saunders Memorial Medal
Personal awards are given to American Peony Society members who have given of themselves to promote the peony in a variety of ways. Awardees include hybridizers, APS Board members, growers, peony ambassadors, authors and other personalities important to the peony world.
The American Peony Society has awarded several types of personal awards, medals, and plaques including the A.P. Saunders Memorial Medal, the American Peony Society Medal, the American Peony Society Board of Directors Service Award, and the Bertrand H. Farr Lifetime Achievement Award. For further information and to nominate a deserving member or peony contributor click here: Personal Awards Nominations.
Ground breaking hybridizers are often recognized for their efforts with the A.P. Saunders Memorial Medal. The award is named in honor A.P. Saunders, the first hybridizer to undertake an extensive hybridizing program that produced outstanding cultivars, many of which are still popular today, and many of which still form the basis of current hybridizing programs. Awardees may also have contributed to the peony world through other notable activities.
The Bertrand H. Farr Lifetime Achievement Award is given to members that have contributed to the society and peony world in numerous ways. Authors, growers, ambassadors, organizers and leadership are among the many attributes recognized for this prestigious award.
American Peony Society Board members may be recognized for their meritorious work through the American Peony Society BOD Service Award.
Other awards exist which are dependent upon efforts and support given during a period of time. The American Peony Society is thankful for past support and the hard working individuals that continue to move the peony world forward.

Don Hollingsworth Recipient of A.P. Saunders Memorial Medal and Bertrand H. Farr Lifetime Achievement Award.

William Seidl Recipient of the A.P. Saunders Memorial Medal