Western USA

Peony Vendors Located in the Western United States

Buy Peonies & Supplies from Reputable APS Commercial Members
Indicates the vendor has agreed to practice the APS Commercial Plant Vendor Code of Ethics (Code) in good faith.   The Code has been developed to provide a structure in which Commercial Members may educate, demonstrate proper nomenclature (cultivar naming practices) and provide useful information for their customers.  The Code applies to commercial member businesses which grow, sell, resell, or trade peony root divisions, grafts, plants or seeds.  APS makes no guarantees and is not responsible for Commercial Member business practices.  All questions, concerns and compliments should be directed to the Commercial Plant Vendor themselves.   The “Code” may be viewed HERE.

Adeline's Peonies


Pat McCarthy
370 Lucy Lane
Zillah, WA 98953-9638



Adelman Peony Gardens

Oregon Grown Peonies, Shipping To USA and International Countries. – Free Catalog 

5690 Brooklake Rd NE
Salem, OR  97305-9660   United States
Phone:  (503) 393-6185
Email:  [email protected] 
Website:  https://peonyparadise.com/

Retail/Mail Order/Onsite Online & Print Catalog Hybridizer Root/Plant Grower
Divisions Herbaceous Intersectional Woody (Tree)


Bloom Peony Farm

Sustainably grown in North Idaho –

Athol, ID 83801
Phone:  (208) 298-9566
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://bloompeonies.com/




Brooks Gardens Peonies

Great Peony Selection  -Online Catalog-

6219 Topaz St NE
Brooks, OR  97305-9768   United States
Phone:  (503) 393-7999
Email:  [email protected] 
Website:  https://brooksgardens.com


Butterfly Outpost


Claire McCullough
124 1/2 Vista Grande Dr
Grand Junction CO 81507-3521 United States
[email protected]
Phone: (970) 987-9972

Connolly's Nursery LLC


Michael Connolly
P.O. Box 5362

Kalispell, MT 59903-5362
Phone:  (406) 607-3237
Email: [email protected]



Dragonfly Peony Farm


Dwayne Kyte
5668 June Avenue Number 5

Whilseyville, CA 95257
Phone:  (707) 301-9838
Email:  [email protected]
Website:  https://dragonflypeony.com/



Kelsey Tolsma


Kelsey Tolsma
2286 Stickney Island Road
Everson, WA 98247-9303
Phone: (360) 441-8084
Email: [email protected]



Oregon Perennial Company

7303 Kinns Rd NE
Woodburn, OR  97071-9517   United States
Phone:  (503) 982-2230
Email:  [email protected]
Website:  http://oregonperennial.com


Rarity Gardens

“Peonies at the Peak of Perfection”

7192 Cooper Spur Road
Mt Hood, OR  97041-9700   United States
Phone:  (541) 352-7044
Email:  [email protected]
Website:  https://www.raritygardens.com/

Retail/Mail Order Online Catalog Root/Plant Grower Divisions
Grafts – Woody Peonies Herbaceous Intersectional Woody (Tree)


Teresa Willard


230 Sumac Drive
Monroe, WA 98272-2412
Phone:  (425) 327-5498
Email:  [email protected]


The Rose and Root


Heather Swanson
37080 Hansville Road NE
Hansville, WA 98340
Phone:  (360) 908-3779
Email:  [email protected]


Tissue Grown

Plant Micropropagation Services

15245 W Telegraph Road
Santa Paula, CA 93060-3039
Phone:  (805) 525-1975
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://tissuegrown.com/