
2024 Convention Schedule

Ingredients for Enjoyment!
*Schedule details may be adjusted to accommodate volunteer needs or other planning variables 

Wednesday June 5, 2024

Registration Packets will be available in the Lobby from 2:30 PM to 6 PM.
Welcome Reception in the Evening – There will be a buffet style meal.
Meet and greet other convention attendees and enjoy the evening. Cash bar is also available.

Thursday June 6, 2024
Buses will board early in the morning for garden tours of Swenson Gardens in Howard Lake, MN and the private garden of Jill Stevens in Benson, MN. A box lunch will be served at Swenson Gardens. See the “Garden Tours” tab for details about these gardens. Buses will return to the hotel around 6PM. Dinner on your own. There will be local information in your welcome packet.
The Exhibition setup room will be available for those whishing to prep flowers. The Hospitality Suite will be available. Minnesota Peony Society will host this room and provide snacks and beverages.

Friday June 7, 2024
First stop is the private gardens of Linette and David Sorrentino in Chaska, MN. We will travel a short distance to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Second day of tours will include the “Peony Walk” at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and time at the Arb in Chaska, MN. Lunch will be served at the Arboretum. We will also view the new peony project at the Arb.  Details of these gardens are also found in the “Garden Tours” tab. ALM Judges Training (tentative) is planned at one of these locations. Buses will return around 3PM. The Exhibition room and prep room will be available for flower prep and Exhibition Setup. Hospitality suite will be open after the buses return.

Seminar – “Showing Fine Peonies” will be presented Friday afternoon. Learn how to prep your flowers for exhibition. Even if you do not exhibit, this seminar is packed full of information on choosing best flowering peonies and which varieties have consistent performance.

Saturday June 8, 2024
Prep room opens at 6AM for final cut flower and artistic entries. The show room closes and judging will finish around noon. Exhibition open to the convention attendees and the public at this time. There will be vendors and information tables. Look for the Exhibition schedule which includes the photography class soon.

Three Seminars are planned and also the first time ever “Create a Peony Bouquet” contest. Contestants will get to create an arrangement in a given time period. Everyone gets the same materials and the winner is chosen by peoples choice. There are cash prizes also. More seminar information coming soon.

Saturday evening events include a banquet and the much anticipated auction. There will be a buffet style meal served with ample choices. Cash bar is also available.

Sunday June 9, 2024
The final day of the convention starts with the continuation of the peony exhibition and at least two more seminars. The exhibition closes late afternoon.